Friday, January 22, 2016

We are the government and we are here to help!

Last year, the FCC implemented its Net Neutrality rules that prevent Internet Providers (IPs) from blocking, throttling, or prioritizing apps or websites delivered via mobile or wired networks.  The basic principle is that all content should be treated equally.  Sounds reasonable.  But, is it an unreasonable and/or unnecessary overstep by the government? 

IPs have figured out ways to circumvent the rules.  Sponsored data plans allow content providers to “pay for” their programming so it doesn’t count towards customers’ data caps.   As long as the IPs extend the offer to all content providers on the same terms isn’t that fair and reasonable?  At what point, do attempts by regulators to catch up to (and interfere with) the competitive forces of a market become wasteful and even counter-productive?

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